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Litchfield School District

“Imagine Greatness…Expect Success!”


Special Services

Introduction to Special Education

The Special Services Department provides quality, specially designed instruction to students who require special education, are age 3 through 21 inclusive, and have not yet received a regular high school diploma.  

Student, for the purpose of Ed.1121, means a student with educational disabilities as defined in RS 186-C:2 or a child from birth to age 21 inclusive who has been referred to Litchfield School District for an evaluation and determination of whether the child has an educational disability.

The Special Education Process refers to the cycle of activities which must be completed in order to provide a student with special education services. Litchfield School District has a legal responsibility under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) to locate and identify all children who may have an educational disability within the geographic boundaries of Litchfield, NH. Any person may refer for evaluation of a child between the ages of 2.5 and 21 inclusive. A student requires an IEP (individualized education plan) when he or she presents with one or more of 14 areas of disability recognized by the State of New Hampshire, with adverse educational impact, and a resulting need for Specially Designed Instruction. 

To discuss a referral with a representative of the school, please contact your child's teacher, school counselor or the Special Services office. Parent(s) of students in grades K-12 who attend private schools outside the geographical boundaries of Litchfield are encouraged to contact the district in which the private school is located in order to make a referral for evaluation. For children who attend the Tabernacle Baptist Church School and St. Francis of Assisi School, please contact the principal or assistant at the respected school office to initiate a referral. 

The school is required to provide parents with written notice of any recommendations which they are making for their child which relates to the special education process, and must receive the consent of the parents in writing before proceeding. Parental rights in special education are described in detail in a document entitled New Hampshire Procedural Safeguards Handbook which is provided to parents by the school at the time of referral.

Some students with disabilities require accommodations under section 504. Under this provision, an individual with a disability is a person who: 

Has a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities; has a record of such an impairment; or is regarded as having such an impairment.

The question of whether a student requires an accommodation plan under section 504 is determined on a case-by-case basis in the context of a 504 team. 504 processes are managed through your child's school counseling office. If you have concerns with your child's 504 plan, please contact the assigned school counselor. 

The Special Services Department also oversees implementation of the provisions prescribed under the McKinney Vento Homeless Assistance Act. This act is federal legislation supporting educational stability for children who are experiencing homelessness.  

If you suspect that your child may be in need of any of these services, please reach out to your child’s teacher, School counselor, Principal and/or Assistant Principal at your school.

If you have any questions please reach out to Courtney Bradish 
424-5931 x 1243 or via email [email protected]